Tag / Reno

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  • Black and white photo of Samuel E. Goldfarb, wearing a cowboy hat, sitting on a horse in Reno.

    Goldfarb in Reno

    Everyone knows the Dreidel Song: I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay, and when it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shall play. Oh, dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay, oh dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, then dreidel I shall play. Not too many people, though, know that Samuel E.…
  • No Justice, No Peace

    Jason Bean / Reno-Gazette Journal Why is anyone surprised there is violence? Our government is genocidal. Meat-packing plants that do not protect their poor and POC workforce from a deadly virus are required to stay open while billionaires are not required to do anything. Why aren't hotels requisitioned for the homeless? Instead, they're put in…
  • Change Accomplished

    History rolled into the neighborhood this weekend.  I wish the Garat/Humphrey House had stayed in its general original location and been part of a historical gateway to UNR.  But if that was not to be permitted, at least the lovely building was given a new home and not demolished.  Welcome to the neighborhood!
  • Changing Places

      Good-bye to this craftsman style, Chinese influenced, UNR gateway area house, neatly set up to move to another neighborhood, Reno’s Old Southwest.  The university is putting a massive new Business Building in the house’s place.     Porthole windows and Chinese detail grace the building.  But a piece is missing!     In pieces,…

  • Change, Rolling Around Town

    In old neighborhoods, we use the past to imagine a future. It's not quite the same when material history rolls around town.  Here's a strong old house--once a paragon of stability.  Is it about to be wheeled off?  Or has it just been wheeled in?  Is it coming?  Or going?     It looks lonely.…
  • Neo-Nazi leaflets in Reno again

    Daily Stormer, a nationally prominent neo-Nazi organization, has an active subgroup in Reno, Nevada, formed (according to entries on Gab) about a year ago.  Subgroups are called Stormer Book Clubs.  The local Reno group has leafleted Reno as part of two prior national leafleting campaigns organized by the national organization.  Local residents are aware of…